Increasing the Bottomline Via Energy Management
As Fossil fuel energy costs continue to increase. Enterprise leaders now need to think of their power requirements in terms of Energy rather than just electricity and power. This mental shift is required in order to adequately dimension the requirements and develop an optimization framework. The adoption of the energy concept allows the conversation, capability to integrate energy storage and robustly dimension unit rate. This unit rate is frequently called the levelized cost of electricity or energy.
The optimisation framework involves the process of tracking and optimizing energy consumption to conserve usage in a building. This is mostly referred to as energy management. This mental shift will require open minded thinking toward engaging the right mix of energy to support our various operations. This is particularly noteworthy for commercial, corporate and business offices.
Most of these facilities are currently sustained by fossil fuel energy with cost upward diesel fired generating sets. This presents an opportunity to engage solar energy systems to reduce the carbon footprints, increase reliability while improving the bottomline for these facilities.
Eneriv solutions advance client’s sustainability goals while reducing energy costs and improving reliability. The figure below depicts the journey of one of our clients along the Lekki axis of Lagos.
The energy production and consumption performance mix of the last three months (February 2022 to April, 2022) depicts that Solar is yielding over 70% of the energy required by the client. The resultant unit rate (levelized cost of energy) for this facility is now 45% lower than the equivalent diesel generating set levelized cost of energy.

In addition to the above energy cost savings which is largely economic benefit, this kind of project delivers significant social and environmental benefit to all stakeholders. The project has planted the equivalent of 150 trees within three month, saving 1.1t of coal and 2.7t of CO2 emission reduction.
The project stakeholders are now working towards certifying this project under voluntary carbon credit with a standard.
The call is for us all to crusade and continues to embarrass opportunities to do good while doing well. The opportunities abound and let’s go for it.